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亲子阅读 宝宝绘本阅读早教

绘本指以绘画为主,附有少量文字的书籍。绘本是发达国家家庭首选的儿童读物,也是国际公认的“最适合幼儿阅读的图书”。 绘本中要读的绝不仅仅是文字,而是要从图画中读出故事,进而欣赏绘画。 当然,绘本不能立竿见影地实现我们对孩子的所有期望,但绘本中高质量的图与文,对培养孩子的认知能力、观察能力、沟通能力、想象力、创造力,还有情感发育等等,都有着难以估量的潜移默化的影响。

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首先有一个苹果,两条虫子从里面钻出来,三只鸟想吃虫子…… 作者很巧妙地把原本枯燥乏味的数字融入了形象生动的故事中,以一种既好玩又有趣的方式表达了数字的概念,符合孩子形象化的思维方式。
RM26.91 RM29.90 -10%
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RM26.91 RM29.90 -10%
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RM26.91 RM29.90 -10%
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<蒲蒲兰绘本系列> 这是一本神奇的书,一本有魔力的书,一本超越ipad游戏的书,你可以用手指来读的绘本。...
RM31.50 RM35.00 -10%
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RM26.91 RM29.90 -10%
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RM29.61 RM32.90 -10%
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最适合鼓励孩子,最能激发孩子自信的书,英国畅销百万册! 这本《长颈鹿不会跳舞》就是要告诉小朋友,就算有时候你不能像大家一样做某些事情,也没关系,你可以用自己的方法来做这些事情,你会做得跟大家一样好,甚至更好。...
RM26.91 RM29.90 -10%
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RM25.47 RM28.30 -10%
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Cowboy Baby doesn't want to go to bed. No Siree! He wants to stay out in the big, wide desert with Texas Ted and...
RM22.50 RM25.00 -10%
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解决孩子分离焦虑的最佳图画书 纽约时报童书畅销排行榜第一名 美国学校、图书馆和儿童医院的畅销书 美国多数幼稚园、小学新生入学非讲不可的故事
RM28.53 RM31.70 -10%
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A subject dear to children’s hearts is in the spotlight as Leslie Patricelli’s beloved baby character...
RM34.20 RM38.00 -10%
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RM30.51 RM33.90 -10%
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此绘本是启发精选世界优秀畅销绘本系列 从不懂事到懂事,从不守规矩到学会守规矩,一晃眼孩子长大了。 也许他不再需要你半夜起床泡牛奶,也不一定像以前一样黏这你,吵着你抱,长大的他需要你另一种关心。...
RM30.51 RM33.90 -10%
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荣获美国凯迪克大奖! 大卫:一个调皮淘气、爱搞恶作剧,让小朋友喜欢、家长头疼的小男孩。 妈妈:常常挂在嘴边的一句话就是:大卫,不可以。为什么妈妈会把这句话挂在嘴边,让人听来有些简单、不舒服呢?
RM30.51 RM33.90 -10%
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All kinds of busy and exciting vehicles, such as diggers, dump trucks, rescue vehicles, racing cars, and other...
RM25.47 RM28.30 -10%
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All kinds of favourite subjects, such as pirates, robots, monsters, cars, football and lots more for hours of sticker...
RM25.47 RM28.30 -10%
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Double sided card set that help kids learn about alphabet letters Ideal Age: 2y+ 50 Double-sided Flash Cards...
RM25.38 RM28.20 -10%
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RM35.91 RM39.90 -10%
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RM35.91 RM39.90 -10%
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法国作家夏尔·佩罗原著经典。 不被继母疼爱的仙蒂瑞拉,不再是无忧无虑的小公主了。她成了“灰姑娘”。然而,她不抱怨,不嫉妒,不怀恨。她有一颗充满希望的美丽心灵。最终,她收获了奇迹,成为真正的公主。
RM31.50 RM35.00 -10%
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RM16.11 RM17.90 -10%
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RM16.11 RM17.90 -10%
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RM16.11 RM17.90 -10%
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RM16.11 RM17.90 -10%
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RM25.11 RM27.90 -10%
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Illustrated in full color. This car-and- truck-filled alphabet extravaganza that starts with an ambulance and ends...
RM16.20 RM18.00 -10%
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For generations, Pat the Bunny has been creating special first-time moments between parents and their...
RM37.35 RM41.50 -10%
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A discovery, and love, and luck and persistence, and a different point of view changed all that. What can turn a bad...
RM30.51 RM33.90 -10%
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It's bedtime at the zoo & the zoo keeper is locking the animals up for the night & wishing them goodnight. But the...
RM31.50 RM35.00 -10%
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Exuberantly coloured artwork and favourite animals make this rhythmic story the perfect introduction to looking and...
RM30.51 RM33.90 -10%
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A lesson in colors, numbers, the days of the week and most important, knowledge, this beautifully illustrated book...
RM37.35 RM41.50 -10%
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The complete edition of the bestselling children’s favorite, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, is now available as...
RM35.91 RM39.90 -10%
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Awarded the Caldecott Medal for the most distinguished picture book of 1971 "One fine day a fox traveled through the...
RM30.51 RM33.90 -10%
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Perfect back pack for toddler to preschool to kindergarten. Padded, adjustable comfy straps Ideal Age: 3y+...
RM112.50 RM125.00 -10%
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RM9.54 RM10.60 -10%
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RM9.54 RM10.60 -10%
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这是为0~2岁的宝宝准备的优秀婴儿图画书,聚焦于宝宝生活的头等大事。吃蔬菜、爱洗澡等宝宝所必需的饮食习惯、卫生习惯及良好品格养成等被巧妙融于书中,让宝宝在潜移默化中接受全面的生活常识。 中文版:[日]神泽利子/文  [日]石仓洋子/图
RM13.50 RM15.00 -10%
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A lift-the-flap counting book for the very young The flaps reveal the creature that eats an apple in this board book...
RM15.75 RM17.50 -10%
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RM22.50 RM25.00 -10%
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Learning letters with whimsical characters can be so much fun and enjoyable 26pcs Large cardboard cards, Comes...
RM32.31 RM35.90 -10%
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Little scholars will master hand writing & alphabet skill with these handy flash cards that give skill-building...
RM67.86 RM75.40 -10%
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Little scholars will master hand writing & counting skill sets with these handy flash cards that give skill-building...
RM67.86 RM75.40 -10%
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Perfect back pack for toddler to preschool to kindergarten. Padded, adjustable comfy straps Ideal Age: 3y+...
RM112.50 RM125.00 -10%
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Perfect back pack for toddler to preschool to kindergarten. Padded, adjustable comfy straps Ideal Age: 3y+...
RM112.50 RM125.00 -10%
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Perfect back pack for toddler to preschool to kindergarten. Padded, adjustable comfy straps Ideal Age: 3y+...
RM112.50 RM125.00 -10%
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Strong enough to withstand everyday wear and tear, waterproof to keep your child’s belongings safe and dry, and...
RM71.32 RM83.90 -15%
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Strong enough to withstand everyday wear and tear, waterproof to keep your child’s belongings safe and dry, and...
RM71.32 RM83.90 -15%
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Strong enough to withstand everyday wear and tear, waterproof to keep your child’s belongings safe and dry, and...
RM71.32 RM83.90 -15%
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Strong enough to withstand everyday wear and tear, waterproof to keep your child’s belongings safe and dry, and...
RM71.32 RM83.90 -15%
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RM26.91 RM29.90 -10%
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RM24.75 RM27.50 -10%
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RM46.44 RM51.60 -10%
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Winner of the Caldecott MedalBeatrice Schenk de Regniers's rhythmic text and the fantastical, jewellike artwork of...
RM26.73 RM29.70 -10%
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Winner of the Caldecott Medal, for the Most Distinguished Picture Book of the Year. A...
RM26.82 RM29.80 -10%
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Perfect back pack for toddler to preschool to kindergarten. Padded, adjustable comfy straps Ideal Age: 3y+...
RM112.50 RM125.00 -10%
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A charmingly-illustrated book from illustrator Janik Coat. Children are tasked with spotting the new arrivals at a...
RM22.50 RM25.00 -10%
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Covering all the major body organs and systems, and featuring 'experiments' to help children to understand how their...
RM80.10 RM89.00 -10%
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A gem from the prolific and well-known British children's author and illustrator who has sold more than 12 million...
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一个热爱家庭生活、热爱生命、对教育孩子有自己一套想法的妈妈; 一个不喜模仿、不爱追崇新思维、 喜爱以自己的方式过生活的女人; 我是一个七字辈,七个孩子的妈妈~林妈妈。老天知道我俩都爱孩子,所以恩赐了我们需要用心来爱的孩子~...
RM26.40 RM33.00 -20%
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There are so many feelings that Baby can have! Little ones can lift the flaps to find Baby experiencing a range of...
RM25.11 RM27.90 -10%
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